Friday, January 24, 2014

I have one of those.. uh..

Not many things gross out a massage therapist.. but one that really gets to me are contagious infections.  Flu's are pretty bad... I really don't want my client's sickness nor do I want to touch their hands that they just sputtered in or wadded up that Kleenex with.  I don't want them to cough on me or sneeze on me either...  I really don't want to know them that well. 

But what really gets me are those skin conditions.  Fungus' or rashes that you have no idea what they are.  Oozing open wounds are a huge no-no.. no way no how.  Sunburned or peeling skin is almost the worst.  Isn't that painful?  Eek!
Please stay home if you're sick.. if you have anything that I can get.. just stay home.  Few things gross out a therapist but these are a definite yes! 

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